Our Story
Dustin and Nicole Marowitz were married in December of 2014. We had our first child, Jaxon, on July 1, 2016 and our second child, Mackenzie, on January 23, 2019. In January of 2021, we found out we were pregnant with our 3rd child. At the time we didn’t know this would be the beginning of events that would change our lives forever.
During the 20-week anatomy scan, we were informed that our baby was small for his gestational age measuring 2 weeks behind. We were recommended to see a high risk OBGYN where Nicole and the baby would be monitored closely. As the weeks passed we were told our baby had absent blood flow in the umbilical cord and was still measuring small. On June 18, 2021 Nicole was admitted to the hospital so that the doctors could keep a close eye on the baby. As the days went by, scan after scan, we were informed our baby was still not gaining the weight he should be and by June 24th, 2021 he started showing reverse blood flow in the umbilical cord. That morning, our baby’s heartbeat slowed significantly and we were scheduled for an emergency C-Section that afternoon. At 3:13pm, our baby boy, Camron John, was born at 27 weeks weighing only 1lb 4oz. He was sent directly to the NICU where he would be put on a ventilator. Although this was our 2nd trip through a NICU (our first baby was also a NICU warrior) nothing could prepare us for a micro preemie. The following days and weeks would become the most challenging of our lives. Each day would come with a new obstacle or hope of progress. After 3 strong weeks of fighting, on July 15, 2021 our baby boy, Camron, was removed from life support and passed away in our arms due to the complications of his early birth.
This was the beginning of our difficult journey through grief. Grief individually, grief as a couple, and grief as a family. Each day, month, and year presented challenges none of us could have ever expected. The pain of losing a child cannot be explained unless you have lived it. Even family and friends, although they have good intentions, sometimes can say (or not say) things to a grieving person that are hurtful. Upon losing Camron, we were amazed by how many other people we knew came to us to share their stories of losing a child through infant loss, miscarriage, and/or stillbirth. Out of our deep grief and listening to other bereaved parents’ stories, we decided that no person should have to go through grief alone. We were determined to help others that are going through this pain by providing resources, information, financial assistance, compassion, and a listening ear to anyone that needs it. Although losing Camron was the worst thing that could ever happen to us, our family was blessed with a 4th child, Leo William, born on March 8, 2023. We believe our “rainbow baby” was hand-picked and sent to us by Camron as he watches over us in Heaven. In September of 2023, “Camron’s Gift” was created to make a difference in a world that needs a little bit more love and compassion. We are devoted in helping individuals and families not to move on from grief, but to move forward in life with it while honoring all of our angel babies.