Board of Directors

Dustin P. Marowitz, President/Co-Chair –
Dustin is a father of 4 children (Jaxon, Mackenzie, Camron, & Leo). Dustin has over 14 years’ experience in the fields of banking, sales, and service. Dustin oversees all Board activities, and communicates with donors, businesses, and media inquiries. Dustin also runs support groups and one on one support for fathers. Dustin has experience in business management, finance, communications, sales, and service.
Nicole M. Marowitz, Vice President/Co-Chair -
Nicole is a mother of 4 children (Jaxon, Mackenzie, Camron, & Leo). Nicole has over 14 years’ experience in product development and sourcing. Nicole oversees all support groups, communicates with hospitals and funeral homes, and leads community outreach, events, and bereavement information. Nicole has experience in communications, product development and dealing with vendors, and sales.
Douglas Godden, CFO/Controller –
Douglas is a father of 4 children (Harrison, Cole, Ben, & Nolan). Douglas has over 18 years’ experience in the fields of finance and accounting. Douglas oversees all finances of the non-profit organization. Douglas has experience as a controller for large companies, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and start-ups.
Melissa Godden, Community Outreach & Special Events Director –
Melissa is a mother of 4 children (Harrison, Cole, Ben, & Nolan). Melissa has over 10 years’ experience in social work. Melissa coordinates events, support groups, and fundraisers. Melissa has a degree and experience in social work and community outreach.
Shana J. Hechler, Public Relations Director–
Shana is a mother of 3 children (Madison, Dylan, & Scarlett). Shana has over 17 years’ experience in public relations and communications. Shana coordinates events, support groups, and fundraisers in the Tristate area and oversees media requests/inquiries. Shana has a degree and experience in public relations and communications for both large, small, and non-profit organizations.
Jason N. Henne, Director of Information Technology –
Jason has over 10 years’ experience in architecture construction, business, and graphic design. Jason oversees all aspects of IT, including the website, emails, requests for information, products for purchase, product sales, and any technology issues that may arise. Jason has experience in IT, graphic design, and small business knowledge.